One more shocking news has come from the world of entertainment. One more piece of bad news has come after the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. Sia Kakkar, a 16-year-old tick-tocker, committed suicide on Thursday. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.
According to reports, Sia had a talk with her manager Arjun Sareen about a song last night. Ajun said Sia was OK and didn't even look upset. The manager said he did not understand why he took such a step.
It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Police are investigating the case. Sia recently posted her dance video on Instagram Story, in which she is seen dancing to Punjabi songs.
Let us know that Siana has over 91 thousand followers on Instagram. Siana has 1.1 million followers on Tick-tock. Sia was only 16 years old.
Viral spoke to Siana's manager Arjun Sareen about this. The manager said he spoke with Sia in connection with a song on Wednesday night. She was in a good mood and was OK. Even her manager doesn't know what happened, which is why Sia took this step. Sia posted a video story of her dance on Instagram just 20 hours ago.
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