In the village of Amra near Jamnagar, there has been a tradition of watching the rains from five to six centuries. The question arises in the mind that how to give the story of rain from bread ..? On the first Monday of the eighty-sixth month, the Bhamriya well of the village is filled with bread. The ritual was performed after the worship in the presence of the villagers. Why such a tradition? Since when has such a ritual been adopted? What happened in our village? Let's find out… ..
In Amra village on the Dwarka highway near Jamnagar, on the first Monday of the month of Ashadh, every year, bread is poured into a well and rains are seen depending on its direction. On this day, the villagers dance in the village with drums and drums, as if a festive atmosphere is created in the village. The villagers get involved in this tradition by wearing new clothes.
There is a tradition of watching the story of rain, that an old woman of the Satwara family of the village makes bajra roti. This bread is carried to the temple by the hand of Vanand. The first puja is performed at the Sati Mataji temple on the bank of the well. After this ritual, Rotla is thrown into the Bhammaria well of the village by a member of the Kshatriya family.
Why and since when has such a tradition fallen ???
This tradition has been going on for centuries. How will the rain be from the direction of the bread falling in the well ..? It is estimated. Every year on the first Monday of Ashadh, the people of the entire village come together to finalize this tradition. Prior to this ceremony, the flag is hoisted by worshiping at the temple. According to the Vaika of this village, centuries ago, a woman from here used to go to the farm with her family for Bhatwar. Then some outsiders stopped her on the way and grabbed her. Guessing what the village would say about this act of outsider, she had filled the same well in which bread is thrown. Since then she has a tradition of giving bread and watching the rain.
Stories from the direction of Rotla.
The young Kshatriya throws the roti into the well. In which direction is the bread lying in the well? Looking at its direction determines the success-failure of the year.
Good rainfall is predicted if it rains in the east and less rain or drought is predicted if it rains in the west. The villagers have faith that the belief is coming true every year. The story of last year's rains, which was decided, came true. And this subsequent rain changed the picture of the kharif season.
The direction of Rotla is predicted to suggest good rains this year. But it is predicted that there will be less rain or more rain. So compared to last year, the chances of a slight decline this year have been expressed.
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